It has been some time for me not updating this blog. Remember my first entry - "Opening"?
if ever you have read it...or you may wanna take a read if you have not. Quite obvious my ambitious thought has faded away; I rather see it being silly now. Or may be to the extreme, a hypokrit I am. Well, it might looks even sillier that I'm now calling myself a hypokrit. But I wonder... whether there's someone reading this entry?
Highly unlikely......
So who really cares if I myself don't. Well, if there's nobody but only me reading this, why do I bother asking people (if any) to read my first entry in the first place? Self-Contradicting indeed.
Haaa....I've just "defamed" myself again.
Assume that someone has been reading my blog since all this while, he or she may think that I'm asking too much of questions. A meloncholic child. emmmm....Whether you agree or not? but as least I have put up my hand, knoded my head.....AGAIN!!! I must have hated myself.
Don't worry, I've just just screamed out the negative energy within me. Hope I'll feel much better later on...well, I hope. I don't really get to shout or scream whenever or where ever I like, not to mention to any person I felt doing so. My life is very much tied up with rules. I'm kind a traditionalist. Sometimes I do do things which is out of my own free will to please everybody, but not my parents.....and my siblings...which is quite sad to say that (well it should be"quite sad to write that".
Well, not to say (write) any further. This entry seems more like my primary school "describe yourself" essay, guess you'll know what kind of person I'm now.
Hmmmmm.........Why I still sound like as if there's anyone reading this? Just shut up.
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