29 January, 2007

My Monday "Blue"

Once, I used to have the annoying Monday Blue like everyone does in the working classs. But since I've tendered my resignation letter...my Monday Blue has been lighten into this sky blue.
Being different than the others and like being different than others, I enjoy every Monday. No one will fight for the desktop with me, not even the TV, whilst the shopping mall will never be crowded like the weekends, and I will always get to purchase my movie ticket from any cinema in town. As long as I don't meet the jams, my Monday is perfect.
But for most, I prefer to sit back and relax, on my armchair, with my icy cola and lengthy law texts which will soon put me into sleep. And, this blueish sky will always be part of the picture. I'm glad to have my peaceful monday...and of coz, my lazy saturday as well. Haa...


26 January, 2007

Liar liar

Did I say that before???
Ohh, it must be a lie then...

People always create another lie(s) to cover the previous lie.
Why can't we just tell them we lied...
and why we lied in the first place?


23 January, 2007


点点回忆,回忆点点 。




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07 January, 2007

Stand Tall, Kuala Lumpurian

I walk alongside the muddy bank of Gombak rivers.

A walk that costed me 22 monkey ears...Oh please, don't ask y.
I walk along, with a cape on, that painted in 14 glorious stripes.

And here I share some stories of mine...

There was this day of odd,
Crows on trees roared like tiger in woods,
Fluffy lambs growled as taught,
And aside there stood,
The boy who cried wolf.
and I know, without a mask, I rarely move.

I continued, with a mask, and later I met...
A glum tom cat was crying over a dead rat,
Poor 0ld buddy were found dead,
But who else to suspect if not the cat?
Life's indeed full of traps and threats.
And I decided, to walk with no fellow, ahead.

I continued, as a lone druid, and later I met...
A clown, painted face and faked laughter,
Hilariously, blowing his huge trumpet,
Rythem-less, a pathetic life of disasters.
But guess what, blowing one's trumpet,
A play, with talent, I master.

Thanks to the neighbour...

Relatively, the road turns hazey,
The air's now dead and smelly,
Slowly, my steps turn heavy.
Finally, I've beaten by reality.

With mask on, my sights become narrowed,
With mask off, I still live till tomorrow.
But without a fellow, I'm never a hero,
Yet without a fellow, my trumpet is a zero.

Oh gosh... what am I doing?
I just want to be a bull that moo
Not any scarecrow that "boo"
Oh well... life still has to get going.
But before that, I need some changing
and I mean it now, anyhow...
No more disgusting smile or hatred bow
Off I throw now the untruthful mask
Reconnecting my lost pasts that last
Definitely, honesty is a must at start


Though the crows still caw,
and yet the lambs growl,
I stand tall.

Though old Tom hiding claws,
yet pathetic clown blowing in ego,
I must walk tall.

I still believe...
We will still glow
A holy rain will showers us all.

The eye is now on Malaysia

Cintai Kuala Lumpur


01 January, 2007

Question 3

Q: What is my new year resolution?

Yeah...I know. "To score more goals". I've made up my mind to keep it real and easy.

HAppy New Year...


Question 2

Happy New Year

Q: What is my last year resoltion(s)?
emm...i can't remember loo. Not to scratch my head for last last years' resolutions. I think they must have included "not to be absent minded". Anyway, doesn't matter, I can always bring them forward to this new year.

*Brilliant and well done to those who have achieved their previous year resolution. I sincerely salute you.*
